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liberty bell high speed line造句

  • The station was originally built by the Lehigh Valley Transit Company as a trolley station with service to Allentown and connecting with what is now the Norristown High Speed Line ( formerly the Liberty Bell High Speed Line ) at Lafayette Street.
  • The original Main Street structure was originally the last Lehigh Valley Transit Company stop on the Liberty Bell Limited ( also known as the Liberty Bell High Speed Line ) from Allentown to Philadelphia, turning onto Mount Airy Street going towards what is now the Norristown Transportation Center ( formerly the Lafayette Street station ) and formerly connected with the Norristown High Speed Line.
  • It's difficult to see liberty bell high speed line in a sentence. 用liberty bell high speed line造句挺难的
如何用liberty bell high speed line造句,用liberty bell high speed line造句liberty bell high speed line in a sentence, 用liberty bell high speed line造句和liberty bell high speed line的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。